Muchas personas piensan aún, que Michael Jackson, renegaba de su color de piel y que es culpable de haberse practicado un tratamiento para blanquearse. La verdad, es que él también es inocente de ese prejuicio popular.
El video que presentamos aquí, muestra la verdad, sobre una enfermedad llamada Vitiligo. Un desorden en la pigmentación que es progresivo y no tiene cura. No en todos los casos es universal (despigmentación de todo el cuerpo) y se da en un porcentaje escaso de la población.
Michael Jackson, era especial hasta para esto último. El tuvo vitiligo universal. Y lo reveló en la entrevista televisada que dio para Oprah Winfrey en 1993. En aquella oportunidad también dijo:
"Yo soy un americano negro, me siento orgulloso de ser un hombre negro americano, me siento orgulloso de mi raza. Me siento orgulloso de lo que soy, tengo mucho orgullo y dignidad"
Para cubrir las áreas manchadas, utilizó maquillaje. En este video, también habla su maquilladora profesional, quien relata los esfuerzos que debían hacer para equiparar el color de su piel y ocultar las manchas. Michael, también utilizó ropa y diferentes accesorios para tapar estos signos de su enfermedad.
Esta condición, lo privó finalmente de poder disfrutar del sol. Por lo tanto, debió aislarse totalmente de los rayos solares para evitar deteriorar más aún su piel.
A pesar de los rumores, Michael Jackson, sólo habló en determinadas circunstancias de su enfermedad. Nunca optó por defenderse de ataques sin fundamenento, para no otorgarles una importancia que no merecen.
Su condición está clínicamente probada, no es un rumor, y figura en los datos publicados de su autopsia. Por favor, ayude a difundir la verdad.

Many people still think that Michael Jackson, reneged on their skin color and is guilty of having practiced a whitening treatment. The truth is that he is innocent of that popular opinion.
The video presented here shows the truth about a disease called Vitiligo. A pigmentation disorder that is progressive and has no cure. Not in all cases is universal (depigmentation of the entire body) and occurs in a low percentage of the population.
Michael Jackson, was special even for that. He had universal vitiligo. And he revealed at the television interview that he gave to Oprah Winfrey in 1993. At that time he also said:
"I am a black American, I am proud of being an American black man, I am proud of my race. I'm proud of who I am, I have much pride and dignity"
To cover the soiled areas, used makeup. In this video, also speaks her professional makeup artist, who recounts the efforts they had to do to match the color of their skin and conceal blemishes. Michael, also used clothing and different accessories to cover these signs of his illness.
This condition, finally deprived him of enjoying the sun. Therefore, due totally isolated from sunlight to prevent further damage of the skin.
Despite the rumors, Michael Jackson, spoke only in certain circumstances of his illness. He never chose to defend his self against attacks without argument, to not give them any importance, that they do not deserve.
His condition is clinically proven, is not a rumor, and published data is contained in his autopsy. Please help spread the truth.
The video presented here shows the truth about a disease called Vitiligo. A pigmentation disorder that is progressive and has no cure. Not in all cases is universal (depigmentation of the entire body) and occurs in a low percentage of the population.
Michael Jackson, was special even for that. He had universal vitiligo. And he revealed at the television interview that he gave to Oprah Winfrey in 1993. At that time he also said:
"I am a black American, I am proud of being an American black man, I am proud of my race. I'm proud of who I am, I have much pride and dignity"
To cover the soiled areas, used makeup. In this video, also speaks her professional makeup artist, who recounts the efforts they had to do to match the color of their skin and conceal blemishes. Michael, also used clothing and different accessories to cover these signs of his illness.
This condition, finally deprived him of enjoying the sun. Therefore, due totally isolated from sunlight to prevent further damage of the skin.
Despite the rumors, Michael Jackson, spoke only in certain circumstances of his illness. He never chose to defend his self against attacks without argument, to not give them any importance, that they do not deserve.
His condition is clinically proven, is not a rumor, and published data is contained in his autopsy. Please help spread the truth.
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