También se compartirán visiones de personas que lo conocieron personalmente, quienes hicieron declaraciones públicas sobre su relación.
La idea principal de este espacio es desmentir con hechos, aquellas declaraciones o manifestaciones de terceros que han contribuido a dañar la imagen del artista.
La muerte de Michael Jackson se produjo luego de varios años de acoso y presión, que lo llevaron a depender de drogas para soportar su vida. Ya es hora de decir la verdad y limpiar su imagen del todo. Michael, no merece ser recordado como un loco extravagante con desviaciones sexuales. Les invito a descubrir aquí su verdad.
This blog was created with the intension of reporting to the community in general, topics and situations that Michael Jackson shared about his self. There were approached neither holders of tabloids, or speculations in which the artist never had opinion.
Also there will be shared person's visions that knew him personally, those who did public declarations about their relationship.
The mean idea of this space is to deny with facts, those declarations or manifestations of thirds that have helped to damage the image of the artist.
Michael Jackson's death was produced after several years of harassment and pressure, which they led it to depending on drugs to support his own life. Now it's time to tell the truth and clean his image completely. Michael, does not deserve to be remembered as an extravagant madman by sexual deviations. I invite you to discover here his truth.
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