En palabras breves, pero intensas, la cantante relató a los presentes su relación de amistad con MJ, su visión respecto a su trayectoria y su opinión frente a su desenlace. Madonna sentenció que todos le abandonamos, cuando él atravesó su momento más duro. Su inocencia fue cuestionada y los medios no cesaron de acosarlo, destruyendo su imagen de persona y masificando una imagen distorsionada de sí mismo. Más allá del extraordinario artista que Michael Jackson fue, todos parecen haberse olvidado que también era un ser humano.

Madonna realized an emotive speech during the delivery of The MTV Music Awards 2009 dedicated to Michael Jackson. She inaugurated the honoring tribut that MTV organized for the King of the Pop.
In brief, but intense words, the singer reported to the presents her relation of friendship with MJ, her vision about his history and her opinion about his ending. Madonna sentenced that we all abandoned him, when he crossed his hardest moment. His innocence was questioned and the media did not stop harassing him, destroying his person's image and promoting an image distorted of his self. Beyond the extraordinary artist that Michael Jackson was, they all seem to have forgotten that he also was a human being.
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