La escena más polémica del film, muestra a Michael de la mano de un niño. Él además comenta:
"¿Por qué no se puede compartir la cama? La cosa más amorosa del mundo es compartir tu cama con alguien. Es muy encantador, dulce. Es algo que todo el mundo debiese hacer".
La frase es sacada de contexto. Más tarde, Michael Jackson descubre que la verdadera intensión de Bashir es causar polémica con este material. El decide aclarar que nunca compartió la cama con menores. No obstante, la situación causa un revuelo gigantesco e incluso suscita repentinamente la aparición de demandas en su contra. Este documental y su autor son los responsables de que la inocencia de Michael Jackson fuera cuestionada.
Sin duda, Michael Jackson, fue muy inocente abrir las puertas de Neverland a este periodista, cuya reputación en materia sensacionalista, deja bastante que desear. También fue inocente, compartir su visión respecto a diferentes asuntos, que podrían malinterpretarse luego, por personas de mente siniestra. Dado que él no poseía una mente de estas características y siempre se expresó de manera transparente y honesta, sobre todas las cosas durante su vida, Michael Jackson nunca imaginó las consecuencias trágicas de su propia inocencia.
En este espacio no publicaremos el vídeo del documental, dado que nos parece indigno y mal intensionado. Aquí apoyamos la leyenda que el artista exhibe en su espalda: "No malgaste su dinero, en esa basura de tabloide barata, No a Bashir"

In 2002, Martin Bashir, developed a documentary titled "Living with Michael Jackson". The idea was to show the domestic life of the artist. His way of life, home, friends and hobbies. This was the idea that Bashir explained to the singer, and he finally accepted the challenge. However, the filmmaker desperately wanted to print their personal view about what he observed at Neverland. Edited the final material at will and made comments in the film, which always point to distort reality, questioning the innocence of Michael Jackson for free. The film shows no misconduct, but Bashir insists impress upon the audience that can be potentially dangerous to an adult male receive as guests children to his home.
The most controversial scene in the film, shown to Michael by the hand of a child. He also said:
"Why can't you share your bed? The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone. It's very charming. It's very sweet. It's what the whole world should do."
The phrase is taken out of context. Later, Michael Jackson discovers that the real intention is to cause controversy Bashir with this material. He decides to clarify that he never shared his bed with children. However, the situation causes a huge stir and even the appearance of suddenly raises claims against it. This document and his author are responsible for Michael Jackson's innocence was questioned.
Without doubt, Michael Jackson, was very innocent when he open the doors of Neverland to this journalist, whose reputation for sensationalism, leaves much to be desired. He was also innocent, when he share their vision on various issues, which could be misinterpreted then, sinister-minded people. Since he did not have a mind of this kind and he always expressed his self in a transparent and honest way about everything during his life, Michael Jackson never imagined the tragic consequences of his own innocence.
In this space we will not release the video of the documentary, since we seem unworthy and evil intentions. Here we support the legend that the artist displayed on his own back: "Don't waste your cash on that filthy tabloid trash, No Bashir"
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