"A mis fans, amigos y familiares:
Como ustedes saben, los cargos que recientemente han hecho contra mí son terriblemente serios. Lo son, sin embargo, basados en una gran mentira. Esto se demostrará en la corte, y seremos capaces de ponerle fin a esta época horrible que pena tras de nosotros.
Debido a que los cargos son tan graves, espero que comprendan ustedes, por consejo de mi abogado, debo ser limitado en lo que puedo decir acerca de la situación. Habrá ocasiones en que no podré comentar nada. Sin duda, esto será frustrante para todos nosotros.
Por esa razón, he creado este sitio para que sirva como una fuente de comunicaciones oficiales sobre mi caso. Cualquier declaración que no aparezca en este sitio web debe ser considerada no autorizada.
Ustedes podrán ser escépticos respecto a algunos individuos que están siendo identificados en los medios de comunicación como mis amigos, portavoces y abogados. Con pocas excepciones, la mayoría de ellos están simplemente llenando un vacío desesperado en nuestra cultura que equipara visibilidad con perspicacia. No vamos a participar en la especulación. No publicaremos aquí cada comentario sobre cada nuevo desarrollo o de cada alegación diaria. Tenemos la intención de tratar este caso en la corte, no en público ni en los medios de comunicación.
Doy las gracias a todos por su apoyo y comprensión.
Dios les bendiga,
Michael Jackson"
On 20 November 2003, Michael turned himself to face charges of sexually abusing a child (Jordan Chandler) at his Neverland Ranch. The same day he was released on bond. Instead of giving a video taped statement as he did in 1993, this time, the artist used the Internet to release their statements. On his website gives the following statement:
"To my fans, friends and family:
As you know, the charges recently directed at me are terribly serious. They are, however, predicated on a big lie. This will be shown in court, and we will be able to put this horrible time behind us.
Because the charges are so serious, I hope you all will understand, on the advice of my attorneys, I will be limited in what I can say about the situation. There will be times when I cannot comment at all. No doubt, this will be frustrating for all of us.
For that reason, I have set up this website to serve as a source of official communications on my case. Any statement that does not appear on this website must be considered unauthorized.
You are right to be skeptical of some of the individuals who are being identified in the mass media as my friends, spokespeople, and attorneys. With few exceptions, most of them are simply filling a desperate void in our culture that equates visibility with insight. We will not engage in speculation. We will not provide running commentary on every new development or allegation du jour. We intend to try our case in the courtroom, not in the public or the media.
I thank you all for your support and understanding.
God bless you,
Michael Jackson"
"To my fans, friends and family:
As you know, the charges recently directed at me are terribly serious. They are, however, predicated on a big lie. This will be shown in court, and we will be able to put this horrible time behind us.
Because the charges are so serious, I hope you all will understand, on the advice of my attorneys, I will be limited in what I can say about the situation. There will be times when I cannot comment at all. No doubt, this will be frustrating for all of us.
For that reason, I have set up this website to serve as a source of official communications on my case. Any statement that does not appear on this website must be considered unauthorized.
You are right to be skeptical of some of the individuals who are being identified in the mass media as my friends, spokespeople, and attorneys. With few exceptions, most of them are simply filling a desperate void in our culture that equates visibility with insight. We will not engage in speculation. We will not provide running commentary on every new development or allegation du jour. We intend to try our case in the courtroom, not in the public or the media.
I thank you all for your support and understanding.
God bless you,
Michael Jackson"
1 comentarios:
Esta declaración muestra la preocupación de Michael por comunicar a sus fans, amigos y familiares su versión sobre los últimos acontecimientos de su vida, no obstante, está impedido de hablar realmente (sus asesores se lo exigen).
Sólo hace un llamado a no creer en los tabloides y en las personas que dicen hablar por él, ya que la mayoría de ellas no están vinculadas a él realmente y sólo buscan beneficiarse de algún modo hablando sobre el caso.
No se sabe si este mensaje fue finalmente atendido, como él hubiese esperado. Es un hecho que los tabloides o prensa amarilla, nunca han considerado las declaraciones oficiales, sino cualquier información que venda, sin importar la veracidad de la fuente.
This statement shows the concern of Michael to communicate to his fans, friends and relatives his version of recent events of his life, however, he was unable to really talk about (his lawyers are demanding silence).
He only calls to not believe in the tabloids and people who claim to speak for him, since most of them are not really connected with him and seek only to somehow benefit from talking about the case.
It is not known if this message was finally served, as he had expected. It is a fact that the tabloids or yellow press, have never considered the official announcement, but any information that sells, regardless of the veracity of the source.
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