"Parece extraño decirlo, pero Michael siempre será una parte de mí. No hay otra superestrella para la cual trabajé, que me haya marcado en mi núcleo de la manera que él lo hizo. Michael abrió una ventana a una calidad de maravilla, muy diferente de todo lo que yo había sido expuesto en mi vida. Por ese regalo, yo sentía que le debía. Sentí que le debía todo. Y todavía lo hacemos. Le debemos una visión honesta de quién era. Todavía le deberemos hasta que finalmente barramos la basura de los titulares sensacionalistas y ver claramente por qué los amigos que lo conocimos más de acerca lo conocemos más que cualquier experto o periodista que afirma haber investigado sobre su vida. Los periodistas y los expertos no conocen a Michael Jackson. Pero si lo amas, hay una buena probabilidad de que usted lo logre."
Michael Jackson's Publisher on the 80's, Howard Bloom, dedicate to him this words:
“It seems strange to say this, but Michael will always be a part of me. No other superstar I worked with wound himself into the threads at my core the way he did. Michael opened a window to a quality of wonder unlike anything I’d ever been exposed to in my life. For that gift, I felt I owed him. I felt we all owed him. And we still do. We owe him an honest view of who he was. We still owe him that until we finally sweep away the crap of sensationalist headlines and clearly see why those who love him know more about him than any expert or journalist who claims to have probed his life. Those journalists and experts do not know Michael Jackson. But if you love him, there’s a good chance that you do.”
“It seems strange to say this, but Michael will always be a part of me. No other superstar I worked with wound himself into the threads at my core the way he did. Michael opened a window to a quality of wonder unlike anything I’d ever been exposed to in my life. For that gift, I felt I owed him. I felt we all owed him. And we still do. We owe him an honest view of who he was. We still owe him that until we finally sweep away the crap of sensationalist headlines and clearly see why those who love him know more about him than any expert or journalist who claims to have probed his life. Those journalists and experts do not know Michael Jackson. But if you love him, there’s a good chance that you do.”
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