Lamentablemente, el tiempo que duró el juicio en su contra fue devastador para el artista, quien sufrió el ataque de la prensa en su contra, el prejuicio de la gente que lo culpó sin antes investigar al respecto y el proceso mismo del juicio, el que no estuvo exento de tortuosas experiencias psicológicas, físicas y materiales, como se da a conocer en este blog. Hoy aún hay quienes cuestionan su inocencia y siguen difamando su imagen. Ellos olvidan que Michael, un día se levantó entre la gente para mostrar su inocencia al mundo. Nosotros no.

On 13 June 2005, Michael Jackson was acquitted of all charges that questioned his innocence in a case involving alleged child abuse. That day, fans who always believed in him and accompanied him during the trial, released white doves as a symbol of freedom and innocence. Michael, stood before the crowd to show his face without fault and to thank everyone who believed in him and stood by him.
Unfortunately, the time of the trial against him was devastating for the artist, who was attacked by the press against the prejudice of people who blamed him without first investigating the matter and the trial process itself, which was not without its tortuous experience psychological, physical and material, as is disclosed in this blog. Today there are those who question their innocence and are maligning their image. They forget that Michael, a day rose among the people to show their innocence to the world. We don't.

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